Sunday 29 August 2004

Elementary, again

When you come to the world of weblogs for the first time and look at a few dozen of them you will probably find to your horror that they are written by foul-mouthed illiterates, self-obsessed juveniles (of all ages), Jesus freaks, assorted bigots and swivel-eyed fruitcakes. You might then assume that all blogs are like this.

Not true: well, not quite. There are indeed millions of this kind but there are also thousands written by witty, erudite or thoughtful people - and some who are all three. com2 mis2

So, while you are clicking through the acres of tedious garbage you will sometimes come across shining treasures.

For example, last month I wrote the last of several pieces about aluminium (now there's a topic to stir the blood!), and put in a link to Tom Lehrer's song about the elements. I have now discovered a far better source for the song which also gives you Mike Stanfill's brilliant animation of it. This is a real joy and not to be missed.

1 comment:

Tony said...

Yes, marvellous, isn't it? I wouldn't have thought anything could be added to Tom Lehrer, but this does.